Research Report

Varietal Performance on Pomological Characters of Different Varieties of Mango (Mangifera indica) at Sarlahi, Nepal  

Kiran Thapa1 , Manish Thapa2 , Ganga Dulal1 , Randhir Paudel1 , Susma Adhikari1 , Arati Chapai1 , Sonam Kumari Kalwar3
1 College of Natural Resource Management, Bardibas, Mahottari, 45700, Nepal
2 Himalayan College of Agricultural Science and Technology, Kathmandu, 44600, Nepal
3 College of Natural Resource Management, Kapilakot, Sindhuli, 45909, Nepal
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3   doi: 10.5376/ijh.2024.14.0019
Received: 07 Apr., 2024    Accepted: 28 May, 2024    Published: 30 Jun., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Thapa K., Thapa M., Dulal G., Paudel R., Adhikari S., Chapai A., and Kalwar S.K., 2024, Varietal performance on pomological characters of different varieties of mango (Mangifera indica) at Sarlahi, Nepal, International Journal of Horticulture, 14(3): 169-174 (doi: 10.5376/ijh.2024.14.0019)


Pomological characteristics of 10 mango varieties were studied during February-June, 2023. Distinct variation were found among the studied varieties. Significant variation were observed in term of fruit length, fruit width, fruit weight, seed length, seed width, seed weight, seed thickness, epidermal thickness ranging from 7.27 cm to 14.02 cm, 4.97 cm to 7.64 cm, 121 gm to 346 gm, 6.03 cm to 12.23 cm, 2.8 cm to 4.23 cm, 22.7 gm to 37.9 gm, 1.56 cm to 2.16 cm and 0.113 cm to 0.333 cm respectively. Among the studied varieties, Variety Nam Dok Mai has the longest fruit (14.02 cm) and longest seed (12.23 cm). Mallika has largest fruit width (7.64 cm) and largest seed width (4.23 cm). Maximum fruit weight (346 gm) was found in Kalkatiya and Mallika. Maximum seed weight (41 gm) was found in Baramasi. Maximum seed thickness (2.16 cm) was recorded in variety Kalkatiya whereas Bombay has maximum epidermal thickness (0.333 cm). 

Mango (Mangifera indica); Pomological characteristic; Epidermal
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Other articles by authors
. Kiran Thapa
. Manish Thapa
. Ganga Dulal
. Randhir Paudel
. Susma Adhikari
. Arati Chapai
. Sonam Kumari Kalwar
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. Mango ( Mangifera indica )
. Pomological characteristic
. Epidermal
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