Research Article

The Experiments of Grafting Propagation for Wintersweet (Chmonanthus praecox) in Autumn and Winter  

Huan Hu* , Ximeng Yang* , Xia Wang , Ting Zhu , Guixiang Li , Tao Li , Mingyang Li , Shunzhao Sui
College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715, China
* These authors contributed equally to this work
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Horticulture, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 3   doi: 10.5376/ijh.2021.11.0003
Received: 12 Aug., 2021    Accepted: 17 Aug., 2021    Published: 25 Aug., 2021
© 2021 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This article was first published in Molecular Plant Breeding in Chinese, and here was authorized to translate and publish the paper in English under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Hu H., Yang X.M., Wang X., Zhu T., Li G.X., Li T., Li M.Y., and Sui S.Z., 2021, The experiments of grafting propagation for wintersweet (Chmonanthus praecox) in autumn and winter, International Journal of Horticulture, 11(3): 1-8 (doi: 10.5376/ijh.2021.11.0003)


Taking different varieties of wintersweet (Chmonanthus praecox) as test materials, the influence of different grafting times, stock ages, and scion positions on the survival percentage of wintersweet grafting were studied, in order to study the key techniques of wintersweet grafting in autumn and winter. The results showed that, in autumn and winter, the grafting survival percentage of wintersweet in late-september was significantly higher than that of mid-october, late-october, and mid-november;with the passage of time, the survival percentage of wintersweet grafting showed a gradual downward trend;there is no obvious regularity of the effect of the different scion positions on the survival percentage of wintersweet grafting in autumn and winter;the survival percentage of grafting with perennial seedlings as rootstocks (56.03%) was significantly higher than that of annual seedlings (21.14%). This research provides technical guidance for the production, reproduction, introduction and expanding of wintersweet in autumn and winter.

Wintersweet (Chmonanthus praecox); Grafting times; Stock ages; Scion positions; Survival percentage
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International Journal of Horticulture
• Volume 11
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Other articles by authors
. Huan Hu
. Ximeng Yang
. Xia Wang
. Ting Zhu
. Guixiang Li
. Tao Li
. Mingyang Li
. Shunzhao Sui
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. Wintersweet ( Chmonanthus praecox )
. Grafting times
. Stock ages
. Scion positions
. Survival percentage
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