Feature Review

Breeding High-Yield and Disease-Resistant Carrot Varieties Using Marker-Assisted Selection  

Xue Zhang
Modern Agricultural Research Center, Cuixi Academy of Biotechnology, Zhuji, 311800, Zhejiang, China
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Horticulture, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4   doi: 10.5376/ijh.2024.14.0028
Received: 01 Jul., 2024    Accepted: 05 Aug., 2024    Published: 27 Aug., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Zhang X., 2024, Breeding high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties using marker-assisted selection, International Journal of Horticulture, 14(4): 263-274 (doi: 10.5376/ijh.2024.14.0028)


Carrot (Daucus carota) is a vital root vegetable globally, valued for its nutritional content and economic importance. However, carrot production faces challenges from diseases and the need for higher yields. Traditional breeding methods have been effective but are time-consuming and less precise. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) offers a modern approach to accelerate breeding for high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties. This study explores the application of marker-assisted selection in breeding high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties, highlighting the advancements and key findings in this field. Results reveals that MAS has significantly improved the efficiency of breeding programs by enabling the precise selection of desirable traits at the seedling stage. Additionally, the integration of MAS with other modern techniques such as CRISPR/Cas9 has shown promise in developing disease-resistant crops rapidly and efficiently. The sequencing of the carrot genome has further facilitated the identification of key genes for disease resistance and yield improvement, providing a robust foundation for future breeding efforts. The application of marker-assisted selection in carrot breeding holds significant potential for developing high-yield and disease-resistant varieties. This approach not only accelerates the breeding process but also ensures the precise incorporation of desirable traits, thereby enhancing crop productivity and resilience. The integration of MAS with genomic tools and advanced breeding techniques will likely continue to drive innovations in carrot breeding, addressing both current and future agricultural challenges. 

Carrot breeding; Marker-assisted selection; Disease resistance; High yield; Genomic tools; CRISPR/Cas9

1 Introduction

Carrots (Daucus carota L.) are a globally significant vegetable crop, valued not only for their culinary versatility but also for their rich nutritional profile. As a staple in many diets, the demand for high-quality carrots has surged, driving the need for advancements in carrot breeding. However, the cultivation of carrots faces significant challenges, particularly in terms of yield and susceptibility to various diseases. Traditional breeding methods, while effective to some extent, often fall short in addressing these challenges efficiently. This has led to an increasing focus on modern breeding techniques, which can significantly enhance the development of high-yield, disease-resistant carrot varieties.


Carrots are a primary source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the human body, playing a crucial role in eye health and immunity (Ellison et al., 2017). The nutritional quality of carrots, including their carotenoid content, can be influenced by various factors such as cultivar selection, mineral supply, and environmental conditions (Singh et al., 2012; Schmiedeskamp et al., 2022). Additionally, the genetic structure and domestication history of carrots have been studied to understand their evolution and to inform breeding programs (Iorizzo et al., 2013). Given the increasing demand for high-yield and nutritionally superior crops, breeding efforts are essential to enhance the desirable traits in carrots, such as yield, disease resistance, and nutritional content.


Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a modern breeding technique that utilizes molecular markers to select plants with desirable traits, thereby accelerating the breeding process. MAS allows for the precise identification of genes associated with specific traits, such as disease resistance and high yield, enabling breeders to make informed decisions during the selection process. This technique has been particularly useful in crops like carrots, where traits such as carotenoid content and disease resistance are controlled by complex genetic factors (Ellison et al., 2017; Flores-Ortiz et al., 2020). By integrating MAS into carrot breeding programs, it is possible to develop new varieties that meet the demands of both producers and consumers more efficiently.


This study is to develop high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties using marker-assisted selection (MAS). By identifying and utilizing molecular markers associated with yield and resistance to major diseases, the breeding process will be streamlined to produce carrot varieties that are both high-yielding and capable of resisting common pathogens. Additionally, the performance of the newly developed carrot varieties will be evaluated in terms of yield, disease resistance, and nutritional quality. This study aims to cultivate carrot varieties that not only possess excellent agronomic traits but also maintain high nutritional quality, thereby contributing to the overall improvement of carrot production and consumption.


2 Basics of Carrot Genetics

2.1 Carrot genome structure

The carrot genome is composed of nine chromosomes, which have been mapped using various genetic markers. The development of a saturated genetic linkage map has been instrumental in understanding the carrot genome. For instance, a study using Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) markers identified 431 markers across nine linkage groups, corresponding to the nine carrot chromosomes (Grzebelus et al., 2013). This mapping has facilitated the identification of key genomic regions associated with important traits, such as the Vrn1 gene on chromosome 2, which governs the biennial growth habit essential for cultivated carrots.


Another study utilized high-throughput Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) mining technology to develop 55,386 markers for the carrot genome, which are associated with protein-coding sequences. The results showed that 51,160 of these markers are single-locus markers, while 4,226 markers can amplify multiple loci. These markers were successfully applied in genome mapping and diversity studies of carrots (Uncu and Uncu, 2019).


2.2 Key genetic traits in carrots

Key genetic traits of carrots play a crucial role in improving yield, disease resistance, and quality. In carrot breeding, the genetic mechanism controlling male sterility is a critical area, as it directly impacts the efficiency and cost of hybrid seed production. Male sterility refers to the inability of plant anthers to develop normally, preventing the production of viable pollen and thus avoiding self-pollination. By utilizing this trait, breeders can effectively control the hybridization process, ensuring the purity and consistency of seeds. In recent years, with the advancement of genomics technology, researchers have successfully identified key loci related to male sterility in carrots, providing a scientific basis for more precise breeding (Simon, 2019). By leveraging these loci, breeders can more efficiently select ideal parent materials, significantly improving the efficiency of hybrid variety development.


In addition to male sterility, disease resistance is also a core goal in carrot breeding. Carrots are susceptible to various diseases, such as black spot disease and root-knot nematodes, which can severely affect crop yield and quality. In recent years, researchers have identified several key genetic loci related to disease resistance through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis. For example, QTLs related to resistance to Alternaria dauci, the pathogen causing carrot leaf blight, have been successfully mapped, providing reliable molecular markers for the development of disease-resistant varieties (Clerc et al., 2015). Moreover, consumer demand for carrot pigments and flavor compounds has also received widespread attention in breeding. Through modern molecular breeding techniques, breeders can more precisely select varieties with excellent quality traits to meet market demand while maintaining high yield and disease resistance in crops (Simon, 2019).


2.3 Genetic diversity in carrot varieties

Carrot varieties exhibit a wide range of genetic diversity, which is crucial for breeding programs. Domblides and Domblides (2023) utilized AFLP markers to distinguish eight carrot genotypes with different root colors, generating a total of 92 loci, of which 60 were polymorphic. The study also indicated that there are significant differences in genetic distance among these carrot varieties, highlighting the importance of AFLP markers in carrot breeding (Domblides and Domblides, 2023). 


Another study evaluated the genetic diversity structure of 78 western-type open-pollinated carrot cultivars using 93 DcS-ILP markers and 2354 SNP markers. The results showed that both marker systems were able to detect significant variation among carrot plants of different market types, indicating their utility in germplasm characterization and genome relationship analysis (Figure 1). The proportion of polymorphic loci varied widely among cultivars, ranging from 31.18% to 89.25%, revealing high levels of intra-cultivar genetic heterogeneity. Notably, cultivars of the Amsterdam and Chantenay types exhibited strong genetic consistency, while cultivars of other market types showed higher genetic heterogeneity. The study also found that despite the significant phenotypic differences among carrot cultivars of different market types, they displayed relative consistency at the genetic level (Stelmach et al., 2021). These findings are important for further carrot breeding and germplasm resource management.


Figure 1 Estimated genetic structure of 78 carrot cultivars based on DcS-ILP markers, inferred for K = 3–5 and K = 7 (Adopted from Stelmach et al., 2021)

Image caption: The figure shows the results of genetic structure analysis of 78 carrot cultivars based on the DcS-ILP marker system under different assumed numbers of groups (K=3, 4, 5, 7). Each vertical bar in the figure represents a cultivar, with color segments indicating its proportion of membership in different genetic groups. Cultivars of the Amsterdam and Chantenay types exhibited high genetic consistency across all assumed group numbers, while other types, such as Nantes and Imperator, displayed more genetic admixture. This indicates significant differences in the genetic structure of different carrot market types, further validating the effectiveness of the DcS-ILP marker system in revealing carrot genetic diversity and population structure (Adapted from Stelmach et al., 2021)


The genetic distances between carrot varieties, such as the high genetic distance between Purple Dragon and other varieties, underscore the extensive genetic diversity present in the carrot gene pool (Domblides and Domblides, 2023). This diversity is an important resource for developing high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties in breeding programs.


3 Developing High-Yield Carrot Varieties

3.1 Identifying yield-related markers

The development of high-yield carrot varieties is a key focus in carrot breeding research, aimed at increasing crop yields through genetic improvement to meet the growing market demand. In this process, marker-assisted selection (MAS) technology is widely used to identify genetic markers associated with high yield, thereby accelerating the development of superior varieties. Identifying yield-related genetic markers is a foundational step in achieving this goal, as modern molecular breeding techniques can precisely locate gene regions closely related to high-yield traits. In recent years, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) marker technology, known for its high polymorphism and genome-wide coverage, has been extensively applied in carrot breeding. This technology not only evaluates the genetic diversity among carrot genotypes but also reveals potential markers related to high yield. For instance, AFLP analysis has been successfully used to differentiate various carrot genotypes, uncovering significant genetic differences, which is crucial for selecting varieties with high-yield potential through MAS technology (Domblides and Domblides, 2023). The application of this analytical method provides valuable genetic information for carrot breeding, assisting breeders in the early selection of varieties with excellent agronomic traits.


Moreover, Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker technology has also shown great potential in high-yield carrot breeding and plays a critical role within the MAS framework. SSRs, due to their high polymorphism, even distribution, and ease of use, have become a powerful tool for assessing the genetic diversity of carrot parental lines. In carrot breeding, SSR markers can effectively evaluate the genetic differences between parental lines, identifying those genotypes with high-yield potential (Janani et al., 2023). Through SSR marker analysis, breeders can more accurately select parent lines under the support of marker-assisted selection, leading to the development of higher-yielding hybrids. Compared to traditional phenotypic selection, this marker-based selection method significantly improves breeding efficiency, not only shortening the breeding cycle but also increasing the likelihood of breeding success.


3.2 Breeding strategies for high yield

Breeding strategies for high yield in carrots often involve the use of marker-assisted selection (MAS) and heterosis breeding. MAS allows for the precise selection of desirable traits at the genetic level, significantly enhancing the efficiency of breeding programs. For example, the use of MAS in other crops, such as rice and potatoes, has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving yield by incorporating multiple beneficial genes (Beketova et al., 2021; Mohapatra et al., 2021). Wani et al. (2018) highlighted the significant economic benefits of using molecular markers to track genes of interest in plant breeding. MAS technology enables the rapid and precise selection of stress-resistant traits, showing great potential particularly in areas such as environmental stress tolerance, disease resistance, mineral, and osmotic requirements. Gouda et al. (2020) explored the application of MAS in rice yield improvement, particularly focusing on the introduction of QTLs/genes related to grain number and yield. The study demonstrated that the introduction of multiple favorable QTLs through MAS could significantly enhance rice yield; however, the method may be limited in situations where resources are scarce and costs are high.


MAS technology is widely applied in crop breeding, aiding in the rapid selection of individuals with desirable traits and thereby improving breeding efficiency. Through MAS, genes or QTLs related to yield can be effectively identified and introduced into target crops. This has potential applications in carrot breeding as well, where it can accelerate the development of superior hybrid varieties (Kumawat et al., 2020). In carrot research, hybrid vigor breeding, which involves crossing genetically diverse parents to produce hybrids with desirable traits, has proven to be effective. The development of hybrid varieties based on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) has significantly increased yields, with some hybrids showing root yields up to 33% higher than their parent lines (Janani et al., 2023).


3.3 Case Studies of high-yield carrot varieties

In the field of carrot breeding, several case studies have demonstrated the successful development of high-yield carrot varieties using advanced genetic technologies. One notable example is the development of hybrid varieties through the use of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) marker technology. These hybrids have exhibited significant heterosis. For instance, hybrids such as DCatH-5392, DCatH-700, and DCatH-9892 showed outstanding performance in field trials, with significant increases in root yield and individual root weight. This not only enhanced farmers' economic returns but also met the market demand for high-yield and high-quality carrots (Janani et al., 2023). These successful breeding cases not only highlight the tremendous potential of modern genetic tools in improving carrot yields but also provide important references for future carrot breeding efforts.


Another significant case study focused on breeding high-yield carrot varieties resistant to black spot disease while maintaining desirable taste. Black spot disease is a fungal disease that severely affects carrot yield and quality, with traditional control methods being costly and often ineffective. Through the use of genomic selection, researchers successfully identified key genomic regions associated with resistance to black spot disease and integrated these regions into breeding programs to develop carrot varieties that are both high-yielding and disease-resistant. These varieties not only demonstrated significant disease resistance in the field but also met high market standards in terms of taste and appearance (Clerc et al., 2019). This case study emphasizes the synergistic role of combining traditional breeding methods with modern genomic tools in carrot breeding, driving the improvement and innovation of carrot germplasm resources.


4 Developing Disease-Resistant Carrot Varieties

4.1 Identifying disease-resistance markers

Identifying disease-resistance markers is a critical step in developing disease-resistant carrot varieties. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) leverages molecular markers to identify and select plants that carry desirable traits, such as disease resistance. This approach has been successfully applied in various crops to enhance resistance against multiple diseases. For instance, in rice, markers for bacterial blight resistance genes xa5 and Xa21 were used to develop resistant varieties through marker-assisted backcross breeding (Mohapatra et al., 2021). Similarly, in cauliflower, SCAR and SSR markers were employed to pyramid genes for resistance to black rot and downy mildew (Saha et al., 2021). These examples underscore the importance of identifying specific markers linked to disease resistance genes, which can then be used to screen and select resistant carrot plants efficiently.


The first step in breeding disease-resistant carrot varieties is to identify reliable genetic markers associated with resistance to specific pathogens. Advances in genomics and high-throughput sequencing technologies have facilitated the discovery of these markers. Typically, these markers are linked to genes that confer resistance to common carrot diseases such as black spot, powdery mildew, and cavity spot. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping are commonly used methods for identifying disease resistance markers. These methods involve analyzing large carrot populations with varying levels of susceptibility to link specific genetic regions to disease resistance traits. Once markers are identified, they can be used to screen breeding populations for resistant genes, significantly accelerating the selection process (Boudichevskaia et al., 2022).


4.2 Breeding strategies for disease resistance

Breeding strategies for disease resistance often involve the use of marker-assisted backcrossing and gene pyramiding. Marker-assisted backcrossing allows for the introgression of resistance genes from donor parents into elite cultivars while retaining the desirable traits of the recipient parent. This method was effectively used in cauliflower to introduce resistance genes for black rot and downy mildew into the Pusa Meghna variety (Saha et al., 2021). Gene pyramiding, which involves combining multiple resistance genes into a single genotype, enhances the durability and spectrum of disease resistance. For example, in Chinese cabbage, multiple genes for self-compatibility, multilocular ovaries, and clubroot resistance were pyramided using molecular markers (Zheng et al., 2022). These strategies can be adapted for carrot breeding to develop varieties with robust and broad-spectrum disease resistance.


Disease-resistant carrot breeding involves integrating identified resistance markers into superior varieties through Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS). This approach significantly enhances the efficiency and accuracy of traditional breeding methods by selecting for disease resistance traits at the seedling stage, without the need to wait for the plants to be exposed to pathogens for screening. A common strategy is to pyramid multiple resistance genes to create broad-spectrum resistance. By combining several resistance genes, breeders can develop carrot varieties that are less susceptible to disease pressures under varying environmental conditions, which is particularly important in regions where multiple pathogens coexist (Rogozina et al., 2021). Another strategy involves using backcrossing, where a disease-resistant donor parent is crossed with a high-yielding but susceptible parent. The offspring are then backcrossed with the high-yielding parent, and resistance markers are selected at each generation. This process continues until an ideal combination of high yield and disease resistance traits is achieved. In some cases, genetic engineering techniques, such as CRISPR-Cas9, are used to introduce or enhance resistance genes within the carrot genome. However, these methods require regulatory approval and public acceptance before they can be widely adopted (Hu et al., 2023).


4.3 Case studies of disease-resistant carrot varieties

Several successful case studies demonstrate the effectiveness of MAS in developing disease-resistant carrot varieties. A notable example is the research on developing a variety resistant to ALB disease. Koutouan et al. (2023) identified seven terpenes potentially associated with resistance through QTL co-localization analysis, including α-pinene, camphene, α-bisabolene, α-humulene, β-cubebene, caryophyllene, and dauca-4,8-diene. Further in vitro experiments showed that α-humulene and caryophyllene exhibited significant antifungal activity, capable of inhibiting the growth of Alternaria dauci mycelium. The results suggest that terpenes may play a crucial role in the carrot resistance mechanism, particularly α-humulene and caryophyllene, which may be directly involved in the disease resistance process, while other terpenes like α-pinene and camphene may function in other stages of resistance (Figure 2).


Figure 2 Co-localization between rQTL and mQTL of terpenes presenting significant negative correlation with ALB disease score (Adopted from Koutouan et al., 2023)

Image caption: In the figure, bars of different colors represent the positions of terpene mQTLs and rQTLs on the chromosomes, with blue representing sesquiterpenes and green representing monoterpenes. The results show that multiple terpene mQTLs co-localize with rQTLs on chromosomes 1, 4, 6, and 8, with significant hotspot regions particularly on chromosomes 4 and 8. These co-localization results suggest that these terpenes may directly participate in the carrot's resistance mechanism against Alternaria dauci, confirming the important role of terpenes in disease resistance (Adapted from Koutouan et al., 2023)


By integrating genomics and metabolomics, this research not only identified candidate terpenes related to resistance and the genes involved in their synthesis but also validated the antifungal activity of some terpenes through in vitro experiments. This provides a theoretical basis and molecular tools for future development of carrot varieties with enhanced disease resistance.


5 Genetic and Environmental Factors

5.1 Influence of genetic variability on carrot traits

Genetic variation is a key factor in determining the traits of carrot plants, directly influencing important agronomic characteristics such as yield, disease resistance, and quality. Research has shown that there is significant genetic diversity within carrot populations, providing valuable resources for breeding efforts. By evaluating 36 different carrot genotypes, it was found that selecting varieties with superior root quality could lead to significant indirect improvements in other traits. This suggests that fully utilizing genetic variation can not only directly enhance a specific trait but also contribute to the overall improvement of agronomic traits, making it a crucial aspect of breeding programs (Carvalho et al., 2019).


Additionally, the genetic diversity structure of Western-type carrots has been extensively studied. Although these varieties exhibit high phenotypic stability, they still possess a high level of internal genetic heterogeneity (Stelmach et al., 2021). This inherent genetic diversity provides an important foundation for variety improvement, enabling breeders to further develop new varieties with desirable traits while maintaining stable phenotypes. Therefore, a deep understanding and utilization of carrot genetic diversity not only help meet the market demand for high-quality carrots but also promote the sustainable development of carrot cultivation. By considering both genetic variation and environmental impacts, carrot breeding will be better equipped to address current and future agricultural challenges.


5.2 Environmental impacts on carrot growth

Environmental factors play a crucial role in the growth and development of carrots. Various environmental conditions can significantly affect traits such as root yield, disease resistance, and nutrient content in carrots. Factors such as soil fertility, temperature, humidity, light, and water supply can directly or indirectly influence the growth performance of carrots. Under certain environmental conditions, carrots may exhibit higher root yields and stronger disease resistance, while under adverse conditions, these traits may be suppressed or weakened. In a study conducted in the low hill region of Himachal Pradesh, India, researchers observed that the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) for all traits was greater than the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), indicating a significant influence of the environment on trait expression (Rana et al., 2022). This phenomenon highlights the critical role of environmental conditions in carrot breeding and cultivation, emphasizing the need for careful consideration.


Moreover, environmental stresses such as drought and high temperatures can adversely affect carrot growth. However, with advancements in biotechnology, it has become possible to enhance carrot stress tolerance through genetic improvement. For example, overexpression of the DcBCH1 gene in Arabidopsis thaliana has shown increased drought tolerance, indicating that genetic modifications can help plants better cope with environmental stresses (Li et al., 2021). This genetic engineering approach provides new directions and strategies for stress-resistant carrot breeding, especially in the face of increasing climate change and extreme weather conditions. By combining genetic improvement with environmental management, carrot growers can better cope with complex and variable environmental conditions, ensuring stable yields and quality of carrots.


5.3 Interaction between genetics and environment in carrot breeding

The interaction between genetic and environmental factors is critical in carrot breeding programs. The combined effects of genetics and environment can influence the success of breeding efforts aimed at improving yield and disease resistance. For instance, the identification of resistance QTLs (rQTLs) and metabolite QTLs (mQTLs) in carrots has shown that it is possible to select for both resistance to Alternaria dauci and low bitterness by targeting specific genomic regions, taking into account the environmental conditions in which the plants are grown (Clerc et al., 2019). Additionally, the use of marker-assisted selection (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) can enhance the efficiency of breeding programs by incorporating genetic information and environmental interactions into the selection process (Collins et al., 2018; Simko et al., 2021).


Understanding the genetic variability, environmental impacts, and their interactions is essential for the successful breeding of high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties. By leveraging genetic diversity and employing advanced breeding techniques, it is possible to develop carrot cultivars that perform well under various environmental conditions and meet the demands of both growers and consumers.


6 Analytical Techniques for Carrot Breeding

6.1 Genomic analysis in carrot breeding

Genomic analysis plays a crucial role in carrot breeding by enabling the identification and utilization of genetic markers associated with desirable traits such as high yield and disease resistance. Advances in molecular biology, including high-throughput sequencing and genome editing, have significantly accelerated the development of new carrot cultivars. Techniques such as transcriptomics, association mapping, and allele mining are employed to identify functional markers (FMs) that are closely linked to phenotypic traits, thereby enhancing the efficiency of marker-assisted selection (MAS) (Salgotra and Stewart, 2020). The development of high-quality genome references and pangenome assemblies further supports the identification of disease resistance genes and other agronomic traits, facilitating the breeding of superior carrot varieties (Amas et al., 2022).


6.2 Phenotypic analysis methods

Phenotypic analysis remains a fundamental component of carrot breeding, providing essential data on the expression of traits under various environmental conditions. Traditional phenotypic selection involves evaluating traits such as yield, disease resistance, and quality across multiple generations and locations to account for genotype-environment interactions (Boopathi, 2020). However, phenotypic selection alone can be time-consuming and less precise due to environmental influences. Integrating phenotypic data with molecular markers through MAS can improve the accuracy and efficiency of selecting desirable traits (Vagndorf et al., 2018). For instance, phenotypic determination of disease resistance through natural and artificial infection, combined with the presence/absence of specific resistance genes, has been effectively used in breeding programs (Beketova et al., 2021).


6.3 Bioinformatics tools in MAS

Bioinformatics tools are indispensable in the application of MAS for carrot breeding. These tools facilitate the analysis and interpretation of large genomic datasets, enabling the identification of genetic markers associated with key traits. High-throughput sequencing technologies and SNP genotyping platforms have revolutionized crop improvement programs by providing detailed insights into the genetic architecture of crops (Tiwari et al., 2022). Bioinformatics techniques such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS) and genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) are used to identify SNP markers linked to phenotypic variation, expediting the breeding process. Additionally, the integration of machine learning and high-throughput phenotyping can further enhance the predictive accuracy of genomic selection models, accelerating the development of high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties (Sandhu et al., 2022).


7 Challenges and Opportunities

7.1 Technical challenges in MAS

Marker-assisted selection (MAS) has revolutionized plant breeding by enabling the selection of desirable traits at the genetic level. However, several technical challenges persist. One significant challenge is the complexity of traits controlled by multiple genes, which makes it difficult to identify and select the appropriate markers. For instance, while MAS is highly effective for traits controlled by one or a few genes, its efficiency diminishes for polygenic traits where genomic selection (GS) might be more suitable (Collins et al., 2018). 


Additionally, the integration of MAS into breeding programs requires substantial initial investment in terms of resources and expertise, which can be a barrier for many breeding programs (Boopathi, 2020). Another challenge is the accurate phenotyping of traits, which is essential for validating the effectiveness of the selected markers (Beketova et al., 2021). The need for high-throughput and precise phenotyping methods is critical to ensure the reliability of MAS.


7.2 Opportunities for innovation in carrot breeding

Despite the challenges, there are numerous opportunities for innovation in carrot breeding using MAS. Advances in genomic technologies, such as next-generation sequencing and high-throughput genotyping, have significantly reduced the cost and increased the efficiency of identifying and utilizing molecular markers (Kamboj et al., 2020). These technologies enable the discovery of new alleles and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that can be harnessed to improve carrot varieties. Furthermore, the integration of MAS with other breeding techniques, such as marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC), can accelerate the development of disease-resistant and high-yielding carrot varieties (Wu et al., 2022). The use of MAS also opens up possibilities for pyramiding multiple resistance genes, thereby enhancing the durability and spectrum of disease resistance in carrot cultivars (Collins et al., 2018).


7.3 Potential for improving carrot quality and yield

The potential for improving carrot quality and yield through MAS is substantial. By selecting for markers associated with desirable traits such as disease resistance, root quality, and yield, breeders can develop carrot varieties that meet market demands and are resilient to environmental stresses. For example, the identification and introgression of resistance genes can lead to the development of carrot varieties that are less susceptible to common diseases, thereby reducing the need for chemical treatments and increasing overall yield (Wu et al., 2022). Additionally, MAS can be used to enhance other important traits such as nutrient content, flavor, and shelf life, contributing to the overall quality of the carrot crop (Kamboj et al., 2020). The ability to combine multiple desirable traits through MAS not only improves the efficiency of breeding programs but also ensures the development of superior carrot varieties that can thrive in diverse growing conditions.


While there are technical challenges associated with the implementation of MAS in carrot breeding, the opportunities for innovation and improvement are vast. By leveraging advanced genomic tools and integrating MAS with traditional breeding methods, it is possible to develop high-yielding, disease-resistant carrot varieties that meet the needs of both growers and consumers.


8 Concluding Remarks

The research on breeding high-yield and disease-resistant carrot varieties using marker-assisted selection (MAS) has demonstrated significant advancements in the field of plant breeding. MAS has been shown to effectively incorporate plant genomic resources to enhance disease resistance in crops, particularly when resistance is controlled by one or a few major genes. The use of molecular markers in MAS has increased the efficiency of breeding processes, as evidenced by successful pyramiding of disease-resistant genes in crops like cauliflower, which resulted in higher yield and improved disease resistance without compromising the quality of the produce. Additionally, the integration of genomic selection (GS) has been highlighted as a promising approach for cases where disease resistance is controlled by multiple minor genes, offering higher prediction accuracy for quantitative disease resistance.


The findings from these studies have profound implications for carrot breeding and agriculture. The application of MAS in carrot breeding can significantly reduce the time and resources required to develop disease-resistant varieties, thereby enhancing crop productivity and sustainability. By incorporating resistance genes through MAS, breeders can develop carrot varieties that are resilient to prevalent diseases, reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and lowering production costs for farmers. Furthermore, the successful implementation of GS in breeding programs can lead to the development of carrot varieties with improved resistance to a broader spectrum of diseases, ensuring stable yields and better quality produce. This approach not only benefits farmers but also contributes to environmental conservation by minimizing the use of harmful agrochemicals.


The future of carrot breeding lies in the continued integration of advanced genomic tools and technologies. The development of more affordable and precise DNA markers will further enhance the efficiency of MAS, making it accessible to a wider range of breeding programs. Additionally, the refinement of GS models and the incorporation of high-throughput phenotyping techniques will enable breeders to accurately predict and select for complex traits, including disease resistance and yield. Collaborative efforts between researchers, breeders, and agricultural stakeholders will be crucial in translating these technological advancements into practical breeding strategies. Ultimately, the goal is to develop carrot varieties that are not only high-yielding and disease-resistant but also adaptable to changing environmental conditions, ensuring food security and agricultural sustainability for future generations.


By leveraging the power of Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS), the carrot breeding community can make significant strides in addressing the challenges posed by diseases and environmental stresses, paving the way for a more resilient and productive agricultural sector.



The HortHerb Publisher sincerely thanks the two anonymous peer reviewers who participated in the evaluation of this manuscript.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure

The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.



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