Research Report

Effect of Plant Nutrition on Fruit Set, Drop, and Yield of Mandarin in Dhankuta, Nepal  

A.B. Pun , A.K. Shrestha , K. Mishra Tripathi , D.R. Baral
Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
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International Journal of Horticulture, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 6   doi: 10.5376/ijh.2023.13.0006
Received: 02 Mar., 2023    Accepted: 27 Apr., 2023    Published: 30 May, 2023
© 2023 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Pun A.B., Shrestha A.K., 2023, Tripathi K.M., and Baral D.R., 2023, Effect of plant nutrition on fruit set, growth, and yield of mandarin in Nepal, International Journal of Horticulture, 13(6): 1-7 (doi: 10.5376/ijh.2023.13.0006)


Fruit set and retention determine the ultimate yield of mandarin; as adequate mineral elements play key role. The study investigated the effects of foliar applications of nitrogen, potassium, calcium including boron and zinc; alone and their combinations; on fruit set, growth and yield of mandarin; the experiments conducting in the Dhankuta district of Nepal during 2019 and 2020. The results revealed that severe flowers/fruitlets drop occurred to a range of 97.7% to 92.7% during bloom fruit set period as the highest set (7.3%) occurred at foliar spray of NK + micro-nutrients compared to the control treatment (2.3%). Accordingly, compared to the control treatments, spray application of NK+ micro-nutrients, and NPK soil + micro-nutrients increased the higher fruit set by 151.7 and 41.3% respectively during post-bloom since 28th March until 1st May. In regard to fruit drop, two treatments of foliar sprays: NPK + B + Zn + Ca; and NK + B + Zn + Ca had the lower fruit drops by 15.8 and 15.4 during June; and by 16.2 and 15.9% during pre-harvest period respectively, compared to the control treatment. The highest fruit diameter (58.9 mm) and weight (63.4 g) were found at the treatment NPK + B + Zn + Ca among the treatments; likewise, the corresponding the highest number of fruits (1790 nos) and total fruit yield (101.81 kg) per tree were also observed at the same treatment. 

Fruit Set; Abscission; Mandarin; Plant nutrients; Foliar spray


Mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) is an economically most valuable fruit globally including Nepal (USDA, 2023; Shrestha, 2015; ADS, 2014). Additionally, growing mandarin is very conducive climatically in Nepal as well (Rokaya et al., 2016; NFDC, 2021). Nevertheless, the current productivity is very lower compared to its yield potential (MoALD, 2021). Among the several reasons of low productivity, the declining soil fertility with nutrients deficit condition has been a major problem in Nepal (Prasad and Chandra, 2019). Most of the orchards are rendering under limited use of fertilizers and manures in Nepal (Aryal, 2001). Similarly, the soils of most citrus orchards across the country are reported to have deficit with low level of nitrogen, potassium, calcium, boron, and zinc (Tripathi et al., 2001). Moreover, boron and zinc are the most commonly deficient micronutrients across the citrus growing areas worldwide including Nepal (Srivastava et al., 2001; Tripathi et al., 2001; Alloway, 2008). Eventually, problems of low fruit set, growth and retention exist, which are significant for the higher yield of mandarin. Moreover, heavy fruit drop during different periods is also reported that caused the yield loss to a range of 24 to 76% in Nepal (Subedi et al., 2010; Manandhar et al., 2004; Gautam, 2004; DADO, 2016; Kafle and Rana, 2003). 


Mandarin is a relatively high nutrient demanding crop (Wang et al., 2006) and nitrogen (N), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), boron (B) and zinc (Zn) are the significant to set fruits and yield (Doberman and Fairhurst, 2000; Kaska, 2013). Likewise, there are several reports of the fruit drop due to micro-nutrients deficiency in mandarin (Subedi et al., 2010). In another report (Tariq et al., 2007), micro-nutrients: B, and Zn, including macro-nutrients K, Ca, and N are reported to being critically necessary to boost fruit set and fruit number. So far, information in regard to the response of the plant nutrients on the fruit set, growth and yield of Nepalese mandarin cultivars is very limited. On these contexts, this study conducted to investigate the effects of foliar spray of B, Zn and Ca including N and K on the fruit set, abscission, growth and yield of mandarin in the eastern region of Nepal.


1 Materials and Methods

1.1 Treatments, design and planting materials

The study carried out during two consecutive crop seasons of 2019 and 2020 in the Chungmang Farm of Agricultural Research Station (ARS), Pakhribas, Dhankuta, Nepal (26.22°N, 78.18°E) at an altitude of 1030 meter above sea level. The six treatments: (1) NPK @ 500:250:500 g tree-1; (2) CO(NH2)2 (Urea) @ 1% + KCl @ 2%; (3) NPK + Boric acid @ 0.4% + ZnSO4.7H2O @ 0.2% + CaCl2 @ 1%; (4) Urea @ 1% + KCl @ 2% + Boric acid @ 0.4% + ZnSO4.7H2O @ 0.2% + CaCl2 @ 1%; (5) Boric acid @ 0.4% + ZnSO4.7H2O @ 0.2% + CaCl2 @ 1%; (6) Control were evaluated under RCBD design with four replications; single tree representing one replication. The plant nutrients under the treatments were applied as foliar spray except NPK as soil application. The experiment used local variety, Khoku, of mandarin trees aged of 24 years and planted at a spacing of 5 m x 5 m under hexogonal system in the slightly terrace land. Three foliar sprays were applied: (1) first spray on 27th February (pre-flowering or 15 days after spring flush); (2) second on 7th April (through fruit set to early fruit fill); and third on 17th May (six weeks after second spray). NPK were applied onto the soil in two split parts: 1st part at last week of January, and 2nd at last week of May. The spray solutions of Zn, B, Ca, CO (NH2)2 and KCl were prepared in the Soil Laboratory of ARS, Pakhribas using standard procedures. The agro-climate is characterized as sub-tropical, with mild hot summer and cool winter, with mean annual air temperature range of 18 to 34 °C during summer and 4 to 22 °C during winter season. The total annual rainfall was recorded at 1200 ml in 2019 and 1500 ml in 2020 that over 80% of total annual rainfall occurred during June to August. Soil was sandy boulder soil of sandy texture, having low organic matter 1.3%; low NPK and Zn, B and Ca.


1.2 Determination of fruit set, drop, fruit number and yield

Two branches were selected randomly from the middle vertical position of the trees and tagged as the sample branches for the observation. The selected branches size has 63.4 mm, range of 47.8 to 91.3 mm. Additionally, five similar sub-branches from two tagged sample branches of each experimental unit were randomly selected. The bloom fruitlet set was evaluated through counting of fully-developed flowers number, and their set to fruitlets in each two sample branches from 28th March (full-bloom period) until 1st May (end of fruit set) at 7 days interval. Likewise, June as well as pre-harvest fruit drop percentage were determined from the same branches in each tree by counting manually the number of fruits retained in the branches, respectively with the references from fruit set 45 days before June and pre-harvest periods on fortnightly basis. Similarly, average fruit diameter and weight (n=10) were measured using digital balance and vernier caliper from the randomly selected sample fruits at the time of commercial harvest. Likewise, total fruit number and yield per tree were measured, and the data were transformed based on the number of fruiting branches of each tree. The fruit set percentage, and fruit drop percentage during June drop and pre-harvest periods were determined using following formula:  



1.3 Statistical analysis

The ADEL-R (Analysis and design of experiments with R for Windows). Version 2.0 was used for the ANOVA analysis; and the treatment mean comparison for significance difference was carried out at 0.05 probability level (Gomez and Gomez, 1984). 


2 Results 

2.1 Post-bloom fruit set 

The percentage of bloom fruit set due to the effects of plant nutrients was studied; since the number of fully developed flowers after post-bloom, and corresponding fruitlets set after petal-fall; were observed for determining the fruit set percentage during bloom period. There were significantly differences (P≤0.01) among the plant nutrients treatments for the total number of flowers and corresponding fruitlets set (Table 1). The bloom fruitlet sets occurred at a range of 2.26 to 5.49%; the maximum fruitlets set (5.49%) was recorded at the combined foliar spray of nitrogen, potassium, and micro-nutrients; closely followed by the combined application of NPK and micro-nutrients (4.13%). Accordingly, these two treatments had 47.9 and 30.7% higher fruit set than that of the control treatment respectively. 


Table 1 Effects of plant nutrients on bloom fruit set of mandarin at Chungmang, Dhankuta during 2019

Note: Means in the column followed by unlike letters indicate significantly different at P=0.05


2.2 June and pre-harvest fruit drops 

The fruit drops occurred during June and pre-harvest stages differed significantly (P≤0.05) among the treatments, except pre-harvest drop in 2019 (Table 2). For the June drop in 2019, the treatment of NPK + micro-nutrients had the lowest fruit drop (72.0%) closely followed by NK + micro-nutrients foliar application (72.4%) as compared to the highest fruit drop of 85.6% at the control treatment. Similar results of the respective treatments were observed for the June drop in 2020 since these had the significantly lowest fruit drops, with 16.2 and 15.9% lower fruit drops respectively than the control treatments. For pre-harvest fruit drop in 2019, the lowest fruit drop occurred at foliar application of N + K (22.9%) followed by NPK + micro-nutrients (23.3%), and NK + micro-nutrients (23.9%), compared to the highest fruit drop of 31.1% occurred at the control treatment. Likewise, similar results of pre-harvest fruit drops were obtained for the respective treatments in 2020; accordingly, the lowest drop occurred at NPK + micro-nutrients (23.3%) followed by micro-nutrients (24.5%) among the treatments as 37.2% of the control treatment. 


Table 2 Effect of plant nutrients on June and Pre-harvest fruit drops of mandarin at Chungmang, Dhankuta during 2019 and 2020

Note: Means in the column followed by unlike letters indicate significantly different at P=0.05; June (19th April to 2nd June) and pre-harvest stages (4th August to 1st November)


2.3 Fruit yield characteristics

In 2019, the highest fruit diameter (58.9 mm) and weight (63.4 g) were recorded at the treatment of NPK + micro-nutrients; likewise, the corresponding the highest number of fruits (1790 nos) and total fruit yield (101.81 kg) per tree were also observed at the same treatment (Table 3). The second-best results for the higher number of fruits and yield were observed at the treatment of foliar application of NK + micro-nutrients. Eventually, NPK + micro-nutrients yielded higher fruit number and yield per tree respectively by 124.0 and 102.3% compared to that of the control treatments; similarly, treatment of NK + micro-nutrients had higher fruit number and yield by 93.2 and 66.9% than the control treatment. Likewise, similar results of the corresponding treatments were also observed in 2020 (Table 3). The fruit weight, number of fruits and fruit yield per tree were significantly varied among the treatments. The significantly highest fruit diameter of 44.9 mm, and respective weight of 52.7 g recorded at NK + micro-nutrients; while the highest number of fruits (953 nos) and yield (49.09 kg) per tree were observed at NPK + micro-nutrients. 


Table 3 Effect of plant nutrients on fruit yield characteristics of mandarin at Chungmang, Dhankuta during 2019 and 2020

Note: Means in the column followed by unlike letters indicate significantly different at P=0.05


3 Discussion 

3.1 Post-bloom fruitlets set 

This study showed the combined foliar application of boron, zinc and calcium with nitrogen and potassium as effective for the improved fruit set by 47.9% higher over the control treatment that the maximum of 5.49% fruit set was achieved. In a study in Florida, Davies (1980) reported final fruit set less than 1% of the total flowers during bloom in navel oranges. Therefore, their effect has significant on the bloom fruit set. Specifically, the initial fruit set during developing fruitlets largely depends on photo-assimilates, and carbohydrate availability (Domingo et al., 2006); hence photosynthesis and photo-synthase production appears to be crucial in developing fruitlets (Mehouachi et al., 2000); as result plant nutrients are the limiting factors. Accordingly, the findings of the study suggest that foliar application of micro-nutrients including nitrogen, and potassium increase photosynthesis rate, eventually resulting in higher fruit set. Similar results of enhanced fruit set by 10% to 25% were reported in mandarin through the foliar application of N-P-K sprays during early and post-bloom since most citrus species requires more K and N for the reproductive growth and fruit set (Albrigo, 2002; Boman, 2001). Moreover, Agustí and Primo-Millo (2020) reported that foliar spray of urea increased the number of leaves that associated with the increase in the biosynthesis of polyamine due to increased ammonium content. Similarly, Embleton et al. (1973) showed that developing fruitlets need nitrogen for protein biosynthesis since its deficiency leads to an intense fruitlet abscission. 


In the study, the possible causes of the treatment for the higher fruit set are the biological functions of nitrogen as associated with photosynthesis and plant growth, causes fruit set and yield (Huang et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2019); while potassium is vital for regulating CO2 uptake, thus enhancing photosynthesis; and activation of important biochemical enzymes, thus influencing flowering and fruiting. Moreover, the function of boron is associated with the metabolism of nucleic acid, carbohydrates and proteins, especially for reproductive development, is linked to pollination and fertilization of flowers, causing fruit set and growth (Marschner, 2012). Likewise, zinc is an essential component of many enzymes, required for nucleic acid metabolism, and protein and carbohydrate biosynthesis (Srivastava and Singh, 2004); thus, it is vital for new growth of leaves, flower buds, and fruit growth. Similarly, calcium is an important constituent of cell walls, involving in cell membrane integrity (Chaplin and Westwood, 2012); besides an important role in the pollen germination and growth, it also delays senescence and abscission; acting as protein-pectin cement in the middle lamella.


3.2 June and pre-harvest fruit drops 

Domingo et al. (2007) reported over 98% abscission of developing fruitlets during June drop period as it is largely regulated by genetic, metabolic and environmental factors; and fruit growth and retention is supported by the availability of carbohydrates, and mineral elements. In the present study, the treatments: NPK + micro-nutrients and NK + micro-nutrients had significant effect on reducing the fruit drop by 25.1 and 23.2% compared to that of the control treatments respectively (Table 2). Similar result of maximum fruit retention (75.67%) was observed at 2,4-D 10 ppm + Borax 0.5% in Kinnow mandarin (Bagri et al., 2021). The significant effect of micro-nutrients especially zinc and boron is crucial as zinc involves in the synthesis of tryptophan (Gurjar et al., 2018), a precursor of auxin synthesis, resulting in improving fruit retention and growth; additionally, zinc being cofactor of many enzymes affects photosynthesis, nucleic acid metabolism, and protein biosynthesis; therefore, affecting fruitlets growth and retention (Alloway, 2008). Likewise, boron increases pollen germination and pollen tube elongation, leading to increased fruit set; regulates polar auxins transport. Under boron stress condition, it results in excessive fruit abortion and abscission. Moreover, zinc and boron respectively involve in nitrogen and carbohydrate metabolism. Moreover, zinc prevents abscisic layer formation by increased IAA biosynthesis, resulting in decreased of pre-harvest fruit drop. In addition, the synergistic effect of the foliar application of Boric acid @0.2% + ZnSO4 @ 0.5% with gibberellins at fruit set stage was achieved for the maximum fruit set (71.7%) and fruit yield in sweet orange (Khan et al., 2012; Gurjar et al., 2018). Calcium helps in translocating of carbohydrates, and also as being a main component of cell wall as calcium pectate; stimulates lignin and cellulose in abscission layer, resulting in reduced fruit abscission. In the previous study, Talon and Zeevaart (1992) suggested that the reduction in fruit drop may be attributed to the increase level of auxins along with phenolics. Saleem et al. (2005) found the least fruit drop under foliar spray of urea before and after bloom in mandarin. Similarly, potassium as involved in cell division; synthesis of protein, transport of sugar and photo-assimilates into sink (Liu et al., 2000); the improved fruit growth, and reducing drop in mandarin through foliar application of potassium is reported (Lester, 2010; Nasir, 2016). Similar findings of foliar application with K+ Zn were also reported for improving the fruit retention in Kinnow mandarin (Razaac et al., 2013; Saleem, 2008). 


3.3 Fruit yield characteristics 

In the present study, the highest fruit diameter (44.9 mm) and weight (52.7g) were found at the treatment NPK + micro-nutrients among the treatments; likewise, the corresponding the highest number of fruits (953 nos) and total fruit yield (49.09 kg) per tree were also observed at the same treatment. The NK + micro-nutrients performed as the second-best treatment for the higher number of fruits (598 nos) and yield (47.69 kg) as compared to the fruit number (490 nos) and fruit yield (23.75 kg) of the control treatment (Table 3). Similar finding was also reported by Tariq et al. (2007) that the maximum yield of 123.3 kg/tree at Zn + Mn application in sweet orange.  


4 Conclusion

The effect of combined foliar application of N, K, B, Zn and Ca during spring flush period (pre-bloom) had the best result for the fruit set during bloom stage. Likewise, the least fruit drop occurred at the two treatments of foliar sprays: NPK + B + Zn + Ca; and NK + B + Zn + Ca in both June as well as pre-harvest periods. Likewise, the corresponding the highest number of fruits and total fruit yield were also observed at the same treatment. In overall, foliar applications of micro-nutrients viz. boron and zinc including calcium combined with NPK soil application as well as NK foliar spray have resulted as the best for fruit set, and yield of mandarin.


Authors’ contributions

The research design was carried out in collaboration of all authors; ABP principally conducted the field research and data observation including analysis and write of first draft of the manuscript. AKS, KMT and DRB guided experiment execution, data analysis, and manuscript write up. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.



Authors would like to acknowledge Dr Yuba Raj Pandey, former executive director of NARC for granting the fellowship under Global Agriculture and Food Security Fund. Our special thank goes to Mr Phatta Bahadur Baruwal and on-job training students for their help in executing the field experiments.



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PMid:16909469 PMCid:PMC1559797

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. A.B. Pun
. A.K. Shrestha
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. D.R. Baral
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