Immuno Modulatory Effects of Hot Aqueous Extract of Ocimum sanctum and Argemone mexicana Leaves in Chicken Model
Author Correspondence author
Medicinal Plant Research, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 8 doi: 10.5376/mpr.2013.03.0008
Received: 15 May, 2013 Accepted: 23 May, 2013 Published: 27 May, 2013
Varshney et al., 2013, Immuno Modulat Effects of Hot Aqueous Extract of Ocimum sanctum and Argemone mexicana Leaves in Chicken Model, Medicinal Plant Research, Vol.3, No.8 57-62 (doi: 10.5376/mpr.2013.03.0008)
The present study was undertaken to study the immuno modulatrory effects of leaves of Ocimum santum (OS) and Argemone mexiana (AM) plants in chicken model. 250 mg/kg body weight oral dose of OS and AM was found ideal and nontoxic in chickens and experimental chickens were fed this dose. Humoral immune response to S. enterica serovar Typhimurium ‘O’ antigen was measured by quantitating the serum antibody level of immunized chickens by ELISA test. There was a significant rise in antibody titre of OS and AM fed chickens in comparison to control group. The antibody titre in the serum samples of HAE of OS and AM fed chickens were (5333.33±674.62) and (4266.67±674.62) respectively, whereas in control group it was 3733.33±533.33. This study indicated that the extract of both plants enhanced the antibody level and acted as a humoral immuno stimulant. Cell mediated immune response (CMI) was assayed by differential lymphocyte count (DLC) and DNCB sensitized hypersensitivity test. DLC revealed increase in lymphocyte count in OS fed group and decrease in lymphocyte count in AM fed group as compared to control group. DNCB test demonstrated 29.89% increase in skin thickness in OS fed group and 34.02% decrease in skin thickness in AM fed group as compared to control group at 24 hour interval. Present study indicated the T cell suppressive impact of hot aqueous extract of AM and stimulator effect of OS.
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. Puneet Varshney
. Sandeep Dash
. Anjana Goel
. Ashok Bhatia
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. Argemone mexicana
. Ocimum sanctum
. Hot aqueous extract
. Humoral
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