2. Inbiotics, Parvathipuram, Nagercoil-3, Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India

Medicinal Plant Research, 2013, Vol. 3, No. 3 doi: 10.5376/mpr.2013.03.0003
Received: 08 Jan., 2013 Accepted: 15 Jan., 2013 Published: 23 Jan., 2013
Sujin J.K.T., et al., 2012, Excision wound healing and antioxidant activity of different root extract of Plumbago indica, Medicinal Plant Research, Vol.3, No.3 13-19 (doi: 10.5376/mpr.2013.03.0003)
The present study was to evaluate wound healing activity of ethanolic, chloroform and hexane extracts of root of Plumbago indica using excision wound model and also in its antioxidant activity. The tested animals were divided into five groups with five in each group 10% w/v of each extract was prepared in normal saline with 0.1% propylene glycol. The anti-oxidant activities of different root extracts were investigated including scavenging activity of hydrogen peroxide, DPPH and free radicals of superoxide anion in vitro. Ethanol extract of Plumbago indica were found to possess better wound healing activity than the chloroform and hexane extract, and it was more effective than the commercial wound healing agent Burnol tried in experiments with complete wound healing on the 9th day. It showed rapid epithelization, better wound closure and reduction of infection. Hexane extract also had good wound healing capacity while the chloroform extract was found to be ineffective as a wound healing agent. Biochemical analysis post wound healing showed normal counts while the differential WBC counts was the higher in the mice treated with chloroform extract and it was even higher in the untreated mice. The results showed that the ethanolic extract has powerful antioxidant potential and hexane extract showed some antioxidant activity while chloroform extract was ineffective as an antioxidant. The ethanolic extract of Plumbago indica had good wound healing capacity and also showed good antioxidant property than the other extracts.
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. Sujin Jebakumar Kumar. T.

. Balavigneswaran C.K.

. Prakash S.

. Natheer Hassan.Y.

. Srinivasakumar K.P.

Related articles
. Plumbago indica

. Excision

. Epithelization


. Hydrogen peroxide

. Superoxide anion

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