Research Report
Medicinal Plants Used as Antipyretic Agents by the Tribes of Adilabad District, Andhra Pradesh 

Medicinal Plant Research, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 1 doi: 10.5376/mpr.2017.07.0001
Received: 05 Sep., 2016 Accepted: 15 Oct., 2016 Published: 05 Aug., 2017
Suryanarayana S.N., and Seetharami Reddi T.V.V., 2017, Medicinal plants used as antipyretic agents by the tribes of Adilabad district, Andhra Pradesh, Medicinal Plant Research, 7(1): 1-6 (doi: 10.5376/mpr.2017.07.0001)
Ethnobotanical explorations were conducted in tribal localities of Adilabad district of Andhra Pradesh with an aim to unearth medicinal plants used by the tribes for curing different fevers prevailing in their habitat. It resulted in isolating 60 species of plants covering 56 genera and 32 families. Mimosaceae is the dominant family with 5 species followed by Fabaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Rubiaceae each with 3 species and others. Habit-wise analysis showed the dominance of herbs with 22 species followed by trees, shrubs and others. Plant part-wise analysis showed the maximum utilization of leaf in 18 practices followed by whole plant and root 13 each, stem bark (8) and others. Of the 64 practices, 53 involve single plant only, 10 with two plants and 1 with three plants. Dolichandrone atrovirens, Neptunia oleracea, Pupalia lappacea and 36 practices were found to be new or less known.
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. S.N. Suryanarayana

. Reddy T.V.V. Seetharami

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. Adilabad district

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