A New Mechanism for the Metabolic Regulation of Fragrant Component Furaneone in Strawberries
Published:12 Sep.2023    Source:Hortic Res
Recently, a team from Zhejiang University published new findings on the regulatory mechanism of furaneone, the characteristic aromatic component in strawberries, in the international journal "Horticultural Research". The study revealed that DNA methylation modification, by influencing the expression of the key gene FaQR3, is involved in the synthesis and accumulation of furaneone in strawberry fruits. Specifically, the DNA methylation level in the promoter region of FaQR3 decreases as the fruit matures, showing a negative correlation with the expression level of FaQR3 and the content of furaneone.
The study also demonstrated the synergistic effect of the RdDM pathway and DNA demethylation pathway in the methylation regulation of the FaQR3 promoter region. Transient expression of the key genes FaAGO4 and FaDMLs in the RdDM pathway and DNA demethylation pathway, respectively, can affect the DNA methylation level in the FaQR3 promoter region.
This study reveals the significant role of DNA methylation in the metabolic regulation of furaneone in strawberries, providing a new theoretical basis and technical means for improving the aromatic quality of strawberry fruits. This finding offers valuable clues for a deeper understanding of the regulatory network of secondary plant metabolism and the formation of fruit flavors.