Important Progress in Studying the Molecular Mechanism of Petal Blotch Formation in Xibei Tree Peony
Published:11 Aug.2023    Source:Hortic Res
Recently, a research team from the Institute of Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a paper in the journal Horticulture Research, comprehensively elucidating the molecular mechanism underlying the petal blotch formation in Xibei tree peony.
The study found that the coordinated activation of two MYB and one bHLH transcription factors promotes the high expression of key anthocyanin biosynthesis genes in the blotch area, leading to the accumulation of anthocyanins. Meanwhile, DNA methylation suppresses the expression of these genes in the non-blotch area, resulting in differences in anthocyanin biosynthesis between the two areas.
This study not only clarified the joint regulation of transcription factors and DNA methylation on the unique pigmentation pattern of Xibei tree peony petals, but also provided new insights into understanding the mechanism of floral blotch formation in other plants. This work represents an important advance of CAS Institute of Botany in researching the mechanism of petal blotch formation, and will provide theoretical guidance for molecular breeding of peony.