Analysis of the Pathogenesis of Apple Mosaic Disease
Published:04 May2023    Source:BioArt Plant

Apple mosaic is a common viral disease in apple production in China. Although it has been proven that the occurrence of this disease is highly correlated with the infection of Apple Necrosis Mosaic Virus (ApNMV), the molecular mechanism of virus infection causing the disease is still unclear.

Recently, a research paper entitled “The ABI5-dependent downregulation of mitochondrial ATP synthase OSCP subunit facilitates apple necrotic mosaic virus infection” published online in the Journal of Experimental Botany, which analyzed the pathogenesis of apple mosaic disease. 
This study found that the virus's coat protein (CP) can interact with the apple mitochondrial ATP synthase OSCP subunit (MdATPO). Further research has found that ApNMV promotes infection by inhibiting the transcription of ATP synthase OSCP subunits. Virus infection can increase the accumulation level of ABA and promote the expression of ABI5; And ABI5 binds to the ABA responsive element (ABRE) on the ATPO promoter, inhibiting the activity of the ATPO promoter, thereby inhibiting ATPO transcription and ultimately promoting viral infection.