First Transcriptional Regulator of Pyrethrin biosynthesis in Tanacetum cinerariifolium Identified by Huazhong Agricultural University
Published:14 Sep.2022    Source:Hortres

Pyrethrum (Tanacetum cinerariifolium) is a perennial flower of the genus Tanacetum in the family of Asteraceae. Pyrethrins constitute a class of terpene derivatives with high insecticidal activity and are mainly synthesized in the capitula of the horticulturally important plant, Tanacetum cinerariifolium. Treatment ofT. cinerariifolium with methyl jasmonate (MeJA) in the field induces pyrethrin biosynthesis, but the mechanism linking MeJA with pyrethrin biosynthesis remains unclear.

Recently, a research paper (Advance Access) entitled TcMYC2 regulates Pyrethrin biosynthesis in Tanacetum cinerariifolium finished by Wang Caiyun research group from Huazhong Agricultural University was published in Horticulture Research. 
In this study, researchers explored the transcription factors involved in regulating MeJA-induced pyrethrin biosynthesis. A single spray application of MeJA to T. cinerariifolium leaves rapidly upregulated the expression of most known pyrethrin biosynthesis genes and subsequently increased the total pyrethrin content in the leaf. This study is the first to identify and study the transcription factors of pyrethrin synthesis and confirms that TcMYC2 is a key positive regulatory transcription factor in pyrethrin synthesis.