Systematic Review

Unlocking the Tea Genome: Advances in High-Quality Sequencing and Annotation  

Xi Chen1 , Yichen Zhao2
1 Guizhou Institute of Pratacultural / Plant Conservation & Breeding Technology Center, Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guiyang, 550006, Guizhou, China
2 Key Laboratory of Plant Resources Conservation and Germplasm Innovation in Mountainous Region (Ministry of Education), College of Tea Sciences, Guizhou University, Guiyang, 550025, Guizhou, China
Author    Correspondence author
Journal of Tea Science Research, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 2   doi: 10.5376/jtsr.2024.14.0008
Received: 18 Jan., 2024    Accepted: 20 Feb., 2024    Published: 02 Mar., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:

Chen X., and Zhao Y.C., 2024, Unlocking the tea genome: advances in high-quality sequencing and annotation, Journal of Tea Science Research, 14(2): 79-91 (doi: 10.5376/jtsr.2024.14.0008)


This study explores the latest advancements in high-quality sequencing and annotation of the tea plant genome, revealing its genetic diversity, regulatory mechanisms, and biotechnological applications. Through comprehensive genomic analysis, significant discoveries have been made, including the assembly of the complex tea plant genome, key genes regulating the synthesis of bioactive compounds (such as catechins and caffeine), and epigenetic regulatory mechanisms influencing tea plant phenotypes and environmental adaptability. Comparative genomics studies have elucidated the relationships between tea cultivars and their wild relatives, enhancing the understanding of genetic variation and adaptive traits. These findings highlight the potential of tea genomics in precision breeding, which can be used to develop climate-resistant cultivars, improve tea quality, and diversify market products. The advancements in high-quality sequencing and annotation of the tea plant genome have significantly improved our understanding of the genetic and metabolic bases of tea quality. These discoveries provide valuable resources for future research and breeding programs aimed at improving tea plant varieties and expanding the diversity of tea flavors.

Tea plant genome; High-quality sequencing; Annotation; Genetic diversity; Biotechnological applications; Precision breeding
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. Xi Chen
. Yichen Zhao
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. Tea plant genome
. High-quality sequencing
. Annotation
. Genetic diversity
. Biotechnological applications
. Precision breeding
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