Research Report
Laboratory and Field Evaluation of an Entomopathogenic Fungus Formulation-Bioterminator (Metarhizium Anisopliae Metchnikoff) against Termite Infesting Tea 
2 Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Bangladesh
3 Entomology Division, Bangladesh Tea Research Institute, Srimangal, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh

Journal of Tea Science Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 9 doi: 10.5376/jtsr.2016.06.0009
Received: 02 Oct., 2016 Accepted: 16 Dec., 2016 Published: 22 Dec., 2016
Hoque A.K.M.R., Aslam A.F.M., Ahmed M., Mamun M.S.A., and Howlader A.J., 2016, Laboratory and field evaluation of an entomopathogenic fungus formulation-Bioterminator (Metarhizium anisopliae Metchnikoff) against termite infesting tea, Journal of Tea Science Research, 6(9): 1-6 (doi: 10.5376/jtsr.2016.06.0009)
Experiments were carried out to determine bioefficacy of an entomopathogenic fungus formulation - Bioterminator (Metarhizium anisopliae) against termites infesting tea during February, 2015 to October 2015. The experiment was performed in both laboratory and the field conditions. In the laboratory experiment, mortality data were recorded daily up to 7 days after treatment (DAT) and at monthly interval for field experiments. Result revealed from the laboratory bioassay that Bio-terminator was found to be effective (43.28-72.94%) up to 7 days after treatment. In field condition, Bio-Terminator was found to be highly effective (85.21, 84.91 & 85.97% respectively) in controlling termites and maintain their effectiveness to the desired level up to 9 months. Therefore, Bio-terminator may be efficiently used for the management of termites in tea as the component of Integrated Pest Management.
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. Hoque A.K.M.R.

. Aslam A.F.M.

. Ahmed M.

. Mamun M.S.A.

. Howlader A.J.

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