The Ancient Allotetraploid Event of Coptis chinensis Shared by All Ranunculales
Published:16 Feb.2023    Source:Horticultural Plant Journal

Coptis chinensis Franch is a very famous traditional Chinese medicinal plant, which was first published in the Shennong Bencao Jing (Divine Farmer’s Classic of Materia Medica) and recorded in dozens of ancient prescription lists such as Jufang and Shanghanlun. Recently, the decoding of Coptis chinensis genome has provided a new opportunity to understand its genome evolution, especially the early evolutionary history of eudicots.

Study found that the tetraploid event of Coptis chinensis greatly promoted the expansion of its alkaloid synthesis related genes (P450 gene), and provided the original basis for the recent tandem replication of genes. It was also found that the P450 gene family, affected by repeated polyploidization, showed very different rearrangement patterns in the main branches of eudicots.
This study determined the time of polyploidization of Coptis chinensis and provided a paleogenomics basis for understanding the evolution of species after early polyploidization of eudicots.