Research Article

An Over Review of Micronutrients on Growth, Yield and Quality of Citrus  

V. Suresh , M. Ammaan , R.P. Jagadeeshkanth
1 Assistant Professor (Hort.), RVS Padmavathy College of Horticulture, Sempatti, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India
2 Assistant Professor (Hort.), Imayam Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Thuraiyur, Tamil Nadu, India
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Horticulture, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 14   doi: 10.5376/ijh.2018.08.0014
Received: 10 Apr., 2018    Accepted: 10 May, 2018    Published: 29 Jun., 2018
© 2018 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Preferred citation for this article:

Suresh V., Ammaan M., and Jagadeeshkanth R.P., 2018, An over review of micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of Citrus, International Journal of Horticulture, 8(14): 163-170 (doi: 10.5376/ijh.2018.08.0014)



Citrus is primarily valued for the fruit, which is either used alone as fresh fruit, processed into juice or added to dishes and beverages. In this area farmer’s obtained low yield due to micronutrient deficiency next to pest and disease. In this hill ecosystem, deficiency of micronutrient causes adverse effects on fruit orchard, making it unfit for consumption. Use of micronutrient reduces the deficiency thus improving plant growth and yield. The foliar application of micronutrients increases the photosynthetic compounds inside the plant tissue which ultimately reduces the leaf drop and give strength for their persistency compare to soil application. It needs 17 essential elements for growth and development. Micronutrient deficiencies often tend to limit the productivity in this crop. Use of micronutrient reduces the deficiency thus improving plant growth and yield. The foliar application of micronutrients increases the photosynthetic compounds inside the plant tissue which ultimately reduces the leaf drop and give strength for their persistency compare to soil application. Deficiency of' micronutrients occur at various stages of growth and development of citrus plants. Micronutrients are required in very small quantities, yet they are very effective in regulating plant growth.

Review; Micronutrients; Growth and quality; Citrus
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. V. Suresh
. M. Ammaan
. R.P. Jagadeeshkanth
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